Sunday, April 15, 2007

Text to the entry about "Dop och solig söndagseftermiddag!"

Since I suddenly can´t edit my earlier entries in my blog, I want to write some commentaries to the photos two entries below now instead.

Two weeks ago my friend Minna decided that she wanted to get baptised in water as an adult, because she wanted to show everyone that she believes in Jesus and that He died on a cross for all the bad things she has done, He raised from the death and now she wants to have Him as her first priority! It was a fantastic experience to baptise her and I know God did something great!

Afterwards we went to a Chinese restaurant and later on a sunny walk by the water at Norr Mälarstrand!


Kunlarah said...

Fantastic! Praise God! She is now alive with Jesus Christ! I pray that Minna is captivated by the beauty of Jesus Christ in such a way that everything else pales in comparison to Him and that her love and fascination with Him will last her whole life.

Anonymous said...

vad jag letade efter, tack